Some people are lucky to be born into privileged homes. Some are lucky to be put on the favourable part of the earth. Such people have almost everything in their lives, so to say, guaranteed. They eat the best food, live in the best house, go to the best school and have a job handed to them on a golden plate. In short, for such people, ‘life is easy.’
For most people, however, life is not easy. It is never easy for a child born in a remote African village. The odds are against him right from conception. His struggles start as he tries to survive in his mother’s womb in a world where there’s no antenatal care for the impoverished mother. His entry into the world brings its hazards as his delivery is fraught with danger.
Then he toddles in his diaper as he tries to escape from vipers. As he matures, he sees that the world is full of opportunities but also sees obstacles. And he dreams big dreams. Then he realises he’s not privileged like his counterparts, but he knows he can make it. It’s not going to be easy. He doesn’t have to be told that. But nothing would stop him from realising his dreams.
Privileged people always want to block the ways of the less privileged. They don’t want them to reach the top so they can be subordinate forever. The game of life is neither fair nor easy. But as Jean-Jacques Rousseau says: “He who wills the end, wills the means also, and the means must involve some risks, and even some losses.” Go for it and give it whatever it takes.
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You can’t change where you’re born into, and sometimes, circumstances may force you to live in another place where they mount a seemingly immutable wall between you and opportunities. You are out of your comfort zone and now in a place where they regard you as an alien. You’re looked down upon. They give you the crumbs and keep the loaf. They expect you to be their servants and their cleaners. They want you to be a beggar so you can worship them.
Yes, it’s not easy when you’re disadvantaged. It is a big challenge when people try to deny you of opportunities because of your colour, gender, religion, ethnicity, belief, etc. But if you are determined to do something you will find the way to do it. Stay on the path to your goal. However hard they try to push you out of your path, stay focused. The world is made of good and bad people. There are many good people out there who are ready to help you in your pursuit of success. So don’t let people’s negative thoughts and behaviour take you out of your focus.
Work hard, pray hard, keep going, do your best and leave the rest in God’s capable hands. He will provide His Angels to guide you; walls will be taken down, obstacles will be removed and in the end, you will beat the odds.